485 (NZ) Squadron R.A.F.
Flight Sergeant

Gordon McDonal. Frostick NZ403573

104 Squadron RAF. Served in North-West Africa
as a wireless/OP/gunner on a Wellington 11 with a crew of six.
He enlisted at Napier 1940 - aged 27.

July 14/15 1942, on a raid in the Tobruk area,
the aircraft was hit by flak, caught fire
and went down in the sea.
Five members of the crew were rescued and became POWs.

The rear gunner died later, and no trace of Gordon was found.

He is commemorated on the Alamein memorial.

He was a member of the Napier Aero Club
gliding section, and attended the AGM in
November 1939.
A sad, little memo in the January 1941 minutes,
the Secretary was instructed to include an
amount of £5 ($10) in the club's assets & liabilities
for a Buick car paid for by G. Frostick.
It appears that Gordon put his car in storage,
in the club's hangar, until his return from WW2.

Left: Gordon gliding over the old inner harbour, Napier.